compiler design video lectures nptel
Showing 20 of 479 courses
Contents: Introduction and Scope to Enzyme Science & Engineering - Characteristic Features of Enzymes -Enzymes as Biocatalysts - Enzymatic Catalysis - Specificity of Enzyme
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Functions of buildings and structure in general. Loads on buildings as per IS 875, IS 1893 and NBC. Functional requirements of buildings and necessity of byelaws,Role of mater
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Introduction: Origin and development Geologic Mapping and Remote Sensing: Topographic maps, geologic maps, preparation of geologic sections, aerial photographs, LIDAR, SAR,
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Introduction and Scope Environmental Systems: Source, Pollutant Transport and Impact on Receptor Environmental Quality and Pollution: Air-Water quality parameters, units for
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Fundamental Concepts of Fluid Flow: Fundamental definitions, Flow characteristics, Classification of fluids, Fluid properties, Foundations of flow analysis - Fluid Statics:
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Introduction to Open Channel Flow: Difference between Open Channel Flow and Pipe Flow, Types of Channel, Geometric parameters of a channel, Classification of Open Channel Flow
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Modes of Transportation, their importance and limitations, the importance of highway transportation Introduction to � Road Development Plans � Various Highway
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Planar Rigid Body,Degrees of freedom,Equations of Equilibrium,Planar rigid body Statics Examples,Structural Systems with rigid bodies,Types of 1-D Structural Elements,Trusses
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Geographic Information System An Introduction - Introduction to Global Positioning System - GPS Positioning Methods - GPS Solutions and Errors - GPS Application - Remote Sensi
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Prestressing System - Type of Prestressing - Prestressing System and Devices - Concrete - Concrete,Grout - Prestressing Steel - Losses in Prestress - Friction&Anchorage Slip -
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Introduction; Origin of soils; Basic Relationships; Properties of Soil Aggregate, Soil Structure; Soil Classification. Soil Compaction; Laboratory compaction; Factors affecti
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Strength of Materials is a fundamental subject needed primarily for the students of Mechanical sciences. As the engineering design of different components, structures etc. use
- 12 weeks weeks
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1. Introduction - Review of basic concepts o Equilibrium Equations o Constitutive
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BASIC SURVEYING or GEOINFORMATICS 1. INTRODUCTION: Geoinformatics- definition, disciplines covered, importance. Field Surveying- definition & objectives; concept of Geoid a
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Introduction to Water & Waste Water Engineering - Water and WasteWater Quality Enhancement - Water and WasteWater Quality Estimation - Water and WasteWater Characteristics - W
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Precipitation, Infiltration and Evapotranspiration � Forms of precipitation, measurement, depth-area-duration and intensity duration- frequency relatio
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Introduction to programming languages - Syntax - Grammars - Ambiguity - PLO:Syntax - Semantics - Syntatic Classes - Transition Systems - PL0 : Expressions-Binding - Environmen
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Introduction to Basic Electronics, Electronic Devices, Semi Conductor Diodes, Wave Shaping using Diodes, Zener Diode Characteristics, Transistor Biasing, H-Parameters, Frequen
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Introduction, Management By Objectives, Organizing, Coordinating, Communication, Leadership, Controlling, Motivation and Organization Culture, Japanese Management,Managerial F
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Introduction to Chemistry & Quantum Chemical Methods - Particle in a box - Harmonic Oscillator and Molecular Vibration - Harmonic Oscillator (Continued)-Hydrogen Atom - Radial
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Engineering Mechanics, Equilibrium, Plan Trusses, Friction, Properties of surfaces, Method of virtual work, Motion of Particles Planar Polar co-ordinates, Motion with Constrai
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Electricity and magnetism - Rectangular cartesian coordinate system - Scalar Field - Mathematical preliminariesScalar field and Vector field - Epsilon naught - Principle of su
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Introduction, Internal Energy Enthalpy, Crystal Geometry, Structure, Structure of Solid Materials, Non Crystalline Solids, Polymers, Crystal Imperfections, Phase Diagrams, Dif
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Real numbers, Sequences, Continuous Function, Uniform Continuity, Differentiable function, Maxima - Minima, Taylors Theorem, Curve Sketching, Infinite and Power Series, Rieman
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Matrix Algebra, Determinants, Solution of System Equation, Linear Algebra, Linear Transformation, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, Quadratic Forms, Diagonalization, Solution of S
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Solution of ODE of First Order and First Degree, Linear Differential Equations of the First Order, Series Solution of Homogeneous Linear, Bessel Functions and Their Properties
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Introduction to Pointers-Programing Basics-Pointers And Arrays-External Functions and Argument Passing - Representation of Numbers-Numerical Error-Error Propagation and Stabil
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Simple Harmonic Oscillators - Damped Oscillator - Oscillator With External Forcing - Oscillator With External Forcing - Resonance - Coupled Oscillations - Sinusoidal Plane Wav
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Contents: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Intelligent Agents - State Space Search - Uninformed Search - Informed Search - Two Players Games - Constraint Satisfactio
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Contents: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - problem Solving by Search - Searching with Costs - Informed State Space Search-Heuristic Search: A* and Beyond - Problem R
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Introduction, History of Computers, Instruction Set Architecture, Recursive Programs, Architecture Space and Examples, Performance, Binary Arithmetic, ALU Design, Multiplier,
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Introduction to Computer Graphics:Overview of Computer Graphics, Computer Graphics Application and Software, Description of some graphics devices, Input Devices for Operator I
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Emergence of Networks & Reference Models - network Topology-physical Medium - Multiplexing (Sharing a Medium) - Telecom Networks - Switches - pocket Switches - SONET/SDH - Fib
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Introduction To Computing - Software -Hardware - Processor Activities - Processor As a State Machine - Data Path Architecture - Data Path Controller : Micro Programmed - State
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Introduction, Layered Architecture, Transmission Impairments and Channel Capacity, Guided Transmission Media, Unguided Media, Transmission of Digital and analog Signal, Multip
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Introduction, Stacks, Queues and Linked Lists, Dictionaries, Hashing, Tree Walks/Traversals, Deletion, Quick Sort, AVL Trees, Red Black Trees, Disk Based Data Structures, Prio
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Introductory Concepts - Databases and Information Systems, An example usage context, Database system concepts and architecture - Semantic Database Design :High-level conceptua
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Overview - Framework for Algorithms Analysis - Asymptotic Notation - Algorithm Design Techniques:Basics - Divide And Conquer - Median Finding,Surfing Lower Bounds,Closest Pair
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Propositional Logic - Predicates & Quantifiers - Logical Inference - Resolution Principles & Application to PROLOG - Methods of Proof - Normal Forms - Proving programs correct
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Contents: Introduction To Internet - Review Of Network Technologies -TCP/IP-IP Subnetting and Addressing -Internet Routing Protocol - Client Server Concepts DNS,Telnet,Ftp
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Contents: Introduction to Adaptive Filters, Introduction to Stochastic Processes, Correlation Structure, FIR Wiener Filter, LMS Algorithm, Convergence Analysis, Sign LMS Algo
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Introduction to Digital Circuits - Combinational Logic Basics - Combinatioal Circuits - Logic Simplification - Karnaugh Maps And Implicants - Logic Minimization Using Karnaugh
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Introduction, Sampling, Quantization , PCM and Delta Modulation, Probability and Random Processes, Channel Models, Information Theory, Bandpass Signal Representation, Digital
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Semiconductor materials, Rectifier Circuits, Clipping and Clamping Circuits, BJT, MOSFET, JFET, BJT Small Signal Analysis, Bipolar Junction Transistor Amplifier, Small signal
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Introduction to Broadband Networks, Qos in Packet Switching and ATM networks, Effective Bandwidth, Fluid Fair Queueing and Weighted Fair Queueing, TCP Congestion Control, Anal
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Introduction, Communication channel, Brief Review of Signal and Systems,The Hilbert Transform, Amplitude Modulation, Angle Modulation, AM, FM, FM Generation and Detection, Dem
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Digital Computer Organization, CPU Design, Timing and Control, Micro-programmed Control, Pipeline Concept, Pipeline CPU, Memory Organization, Cache Memory Architecture, RAM Ar
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Introduction, Image Digitization, Pixel Relationships, Transformations, Pixel Relationships, Image Interpolation, Image Transformation, Fourier Transformation, Discrete Cosine
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Contents: Introduction - Digital Systems - Characterization Description,Testing of Digital Syst - LTI Systems Step & Impulse Responses,Convolution - Inverse Systems,Stability
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Introduction - Overview of Phases - Requirements Engineering / Specification - Formal Specification - Algebraic Specification Methods - Systems Modelling Overview - Process Mo
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Introduction, Digital Logic, Boolean Algebra, Boolean Function Minimization, Design of Combinational Circuits, Logic Design with PLA, Synchronous Sequential Circuit Design, Fi
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Introduction, Speech Production Model, Quantizers for Speech Signal, Adaptive Quantizer, Differential Quantization, LDM and ADM, Linear Prediction of Speech, Cholesky Decompos
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Introduction - Diode - Diode Characteristics - Rectifier - Voltage Multiplier - Full Wave Rectifier and Peak Detector - Diode as a GATE - Analog GATE - Small Signal Analysis o
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Feed Back Theory - Negative Feedback - Y - Feedback - h and g Negative Feedback - g Feedback With MOSFET - Operational Amplifier In Negative Feedback - Positive Feedback (Rege
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Introduction, Evoluation of MEMS, Microsensors. MEMS Materials, Microelectronic Technology, Etch Stop Techniques, Fabrication of Micromachined Microstructure, Microstereolitho
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Introduction, Axioms of Probability, Random Variables,Probability Distributions and Density Functions, Function of a Random Variable, Mean and Variance, Function of Two Random
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Introduction, Semiconductor, Equilibrium Carrier Concentration, Carrier Transport, Excess Carriers, PN Junction, Procedure for Device Analysis, Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJ
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Introduction to VLSI Circuits - Combinational Circuit Design - Programmable Array Logic - Review of Flip - Flops - Sequentional Circuits - MSI Implementation of Sequential Cir
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Introduction - BJT Fabrication - MOSFET Fabrication for IC - Crystal Structure of Si-Defects in Crystal + Crystal growth - Vapour phase Epitaxy - Doping during Epitaxy-Molecul
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Introduction, Types of Wireless communication, cellular concept, Cell capacity and reuse, Interference and System capacity, Improving coverage, Mobile Radio Propagation, Modul
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Basic Building Blocks In Analog ICs - Current Mirrors - Translinear Networks - Differential Amplifier - Differential Amplifier Characteristics - Video Amplifier and RF/IF Ampl
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Passive Components, Sources, Krichoffs Law, Modeling of Circuit, Analysis Using MatLab, Transfer Function and Pole Zero domain, Phasor Analysis, The Practical Transformer, Pha
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Signals and Systems, Initial and Final Conditions, Step, Impulse and Complete Responses, Transformer Transform Domain Analysis, Network Theorems and Functions, Poles, Zeros an
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Introduction to control problem Industrial Control examples. Transfer function models of mechanical, electrical, thermal and hydraulic systems. System with dead-time. System
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Semiconductors, PN Junction Diodes, BJT, Schottky Transistor, Standard TTL Circuits, ECL Basic Operation, Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor, ECL, nMOS Logic Circuits, CMOS Inv
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Contents: Discrete Time Signal and System - Frequency Domain Representation of Discrete Signals - Z-Transform - Solution of Difference Equation - Relation Between Discrete Ti
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Introduction to Vector - Coulomb's Law - Electric Field - Electro Static Potential - The Gradient - Gauss's Law - Poisson's Equation - Energy in the Field - Example Problems i
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Introduction, Embedded Hardware, PIC: Instruction Set, ARM Processor, Digital Signal Processors, System On Chip (SOC), Memory Organization, Virtual Memory and Memory Managemen
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Fundamentals Of Energy, Fossil Fuels, Energy Economics, Thermal Power Plants, Hydroelectric Power, Nuclear Fusion Reactors, Solar Thermal Energy Conversion, Photovoltaic Power
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Contents: Introduction - Probability Theory -Random Variables - Function of Random Variable Joint Density - Mean and Variance - Random Vectors Random Processes - Random Proc
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Introduction, Eye and Vision, Laws of Illumination, Photometry, Incandescent Lamps, Discharge Lamps, Illumination Systems, Glare, color, Interior Lighting, Lighting Calculatio
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Contents: Introduction - Architecture of Industrial Automation Systems - Measurement Systems Characteristics - Temperature Measurement - Pressure, Force and Torque Sensors -
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Introduction, Strain gauge, Torque Measurement, Thermistor, Thermocouples, LVDT, Flowmeter, pH and Viscosity Measurement, Dissolved Oxygen Sensors, Chromatography.
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Linear Neural networks, Non linear system analysis, Adaptive learning rate, Fuzzy Logic Control, Neural Model of a Robot manipulator, Adaptive neural control, Linear controlle
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Introduction, Fourier Series, Fourier Transforms, Laplace Transforms and Applications, Network functions and Theorems, Discrete Time Systems and State-Variable Methods.
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Contents: Introduction to Linearity and Nonlinearity - Distributed & Lumped Parameters 2-port Networks - Two-port Parameters Short Circuit,Open Circuit - Locus Diagram - Intr
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Electric Energy Systems, Hydroelectric Power Generation, Non Conventional Energy Sources, Renewable Energy, HVDC, Newton Raphson Method,
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Introduction, Single Line Diagram, Transmission Line Parameters, Transmission Line Capacitance, Transformer Model, Sequence Networks, Power Flow, Fault Analysis, Bus Impedance
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Basic of non-linear finite element analysis - Heat transfer problem - Incremental-iterative approach - Incremental procedure - Simple non-linear problem - Stress update algori
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Stress and strains in 3d - straction vector - planes of maximum shear stress - tensosrs - hydrostatic&deviatoric stress - relative displacement&rotation tensors-equilibrium eq
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Introduction - intial value problems of mathematical physics - element calculation-post process - advantages&problems - weighted residual approach - petrov-galerkin-p 2 gradua
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Computational methods in design and manufacturing - Application of finite element analysis - Basis of finite element analysis - Stiffness Matrix - Surface forces and Body forc
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Contents: Introduction - transfering and transforming motion and force - kinematics - number synthesis - grubler formation - motion transfer links - kinematic inversion - mot
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Introduction to basic of Mechanical Measurements - Three Groups Of Instruments - Details of Signals - Threshold And Its Examples - Sources of Error - Gear meshing - Field of m
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Solid Mechanics - Analysis of stress and strain - Analysis of stress continued - Analysis of stress continued - Shear Stress - Graphical Solution � Mohr�s Stress Circle - Illu
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Introduction, Raster Graphics, Polygon Filling, Windowing and Clipping, 2D Transformations, 3D Transformations and Projection, Hidden Surface Removal, Galerkins Approach, 1D F
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Design and Manufacturing, Engineering Materials, Simple Stresses and Compound Stresses in Machine Elements, Design For Strength, Design of Fasteners, Design Of Keys and Spline
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Rigid Body Motion, Eulers Equation of Motion, Gyroscopic Action in Machines, Rotary Balancing, Single-Cylinder Engine Balancing, Flywheel Analysis, Equivalent viscous damping,
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Introduction to Linear Programming Formulations - Linear Programming Solutions - Graphical Methods,Simplex Algorithm - Simplex Algorithm -Minimization Problems,Initialization
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Introduction, Heat Conduction, Thermal Radiation, Fluid Mechanics, Natural and Forced Convection, Heat Exchangers, Boiling and Condensation, Introduction to Mass Transfer.
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Production Planning and Control - Product Design & development-Statistical Process Control - Welding Process Classification - Brazing, Soldering and Braze Welding - Arc Weldin
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Powder Metallurgy - Metal Forming - Fundamentals - Forging - Swaging & Wire Drawing - Sheet Metal Operations - Sheet Metal Working - Presses,Equipment - High Energy Rate Formi
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Contents: Instructional Objectives - On Tool Geometry - Interrelations Among The Tool Angles - Mechanism of Chip Formation - Orthogonal and Oblique Cutting - Use of Chip Brea
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Introduction to the Study of Mechanical Measurement - Errors in Measurement -Propagation of Errors - Regression Analysis - Design of Experiments-Temperature Measurement - Over
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Overview, Project Management, Project Appraisal, Basic Scheduling with A-O-A Networks, Linear Time-Cost Trade offs in Projects, Life Cycle of a Production System, Financial Ev
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Refrigerant Compressors and Development, Fluid Flow, Air Cycle, Vapour Compression, Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Systems, Compressor, Condensers, Evaporators, Expansion Dev
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Introduction to Robotics, Industrial Robots, Actuators - Electric, Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Internal and external State Sensors, Trajectory planning, Forward Position Control, Im
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Contents: Introduction C Programming Data Structuring: Case Study Problem Decomposition By Recursion Problem Decomposition By Recursion Merge sort And Quick sort Ch
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- 4 weeks weeks
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Contents: Amino Acids - Protein Structure - Enzymes - Enzyme Mechanisms - Myoglobin and Hemoglobin - Lipids and Membranes - Membrane Transport - Carbohydrates - Vitamins and
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What is Discrete Mathematics - Propositional Logic - Predicates & Quantifiers - Logical Inference - Resolution Principles & Application to PROLOG - Methods of Proof- Normal Fo
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Introduction to Basic Concepts - Requirements of High Speed Devices, Circuits & Mat - Classifications & Properties of Compound Semicond - Temary Compound Semiconductor and the
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Introduction to Pointers - Programing Basics - Pointers And Arrays - Functions and Argument Passing - Representation of Numbers - Numerical Error- Error Propagation and Stabil
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Contents: Introduction - Raster Graphics - Clipping - Polygon Clipping and Polygon Scan Conversion - 3D Viewing - Curves - Assignment - Curves - Surfaces - Hierarchical Model
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Introduction to Quantum Physics;Heisenberg's uncertainty principle - Introduction to linear vector spaces - Characteristics of linear vector spaces - Functions in a linear vec
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Introduction - Newtonian mechanics - Dynamics in phase space - Linear dynamical systems - Autonomous dynamical systems - Lagrangian formalism - Summary of classical electromag
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Introduction to Railway Engineering - Gauges and Permanent Way - Wheel and Axles, Coning of Wheels - Track Resistances, Hauling Capacity - Track Modulus, Stresses in Track - R
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Soil Exploration and Geophysical Investigation - Introduction,Planning for subsurface exploration,Methods of exploration,Geophysical exploration,Soil sampling and samplers,In-
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Lecture Series on Strength and Vibration of Marine Structures by Prof.A.H. Sheikh and Prof.S.K.Satsangi, Department of Ocean Engineering & Naval Architecture, IIT Kharagpur.
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Lecture Series on Fundamentals of Environmental Pollution and Control by Prof. Jayanta Bhattacharya, Department of Mining Engineering, IIT Kharagpur.
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Lecture Series on Neural Networks and Applications by Prof.S. Sengupta, Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering, IIT Kharagpur.
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Introduction and Linear Programming - Revised Simplex Algorithm-Simplex Method for Bounded Variables - One Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem - Dantzig - Wolfe Decomposition Al
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The course deals with design of steel structures using "Limit State Design Method". The design methodology is based on the latest Indian Standard Code of Practice for gene
- 12 weeks weeks
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Contents: Introduction and Fundamental Concepts - Zeroth Law and Fundamental Concepts - Different Kind of Energy and First Low-I - First Low-Second Law and Its Corollaries -
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Contents: Introduction&Some Definitions - First Law of Thermodynamics(Closed System) - Second Law of Thermodynamics - Property of Pure Substance, Steam Table - Ideal Gas Laws
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Contents: Fundamentals Of Engineering Mechanics - Equations of Equilibrium - Truss Analysis Part-2-Analysis of Frames&Machines - Internal Forces - Internal Forces in Beams -
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Contents: Introduction: Overview of the course, practical applications and research trends,Harmonic and periodic motions, vibration terminology. Single-DOF Free Vibrations:
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Contents: Digital Design Process What is design flow? New CAD tools Simplistic View of Design Flow Design Representation BEHAVIORAL DOMAIN Behavioral Representation An
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Design of reinforced concrete structures is an introductory design course in civil engineering. In this course, basic elements governed by bending, shear, axial forces or co
- 12 weeks weeks
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Contents: Introduction Concept of Information Decision Making Process Impact of IS on Management Hardware Software Overview Knowledge Management Learning Organiza
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Nature and Scope of HRM - Analysing and Designing Job - Human Resource Planning - Recruitment and Selection - Performance Evaluation and Appraisal - Training and Development -
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Introduction - Motivation - Management - Work Ethics - Comparison Between Theories - Job Enrichment - Team Building and Participation - Other Leadership Styles - Empowerment
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Contents: Preliminary Concepts Vector Analysis Analysis of Forces Analysis of Equilibrium Structural Mechanics Friction and its Applications Properties of Surface
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Contents: Introduction to Power System Stability Problem Solution of Switching Equation The Equal Area Criterion for Stability Transient Stability Analysis of a Multi Ma
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Course Overview & Basics - Example Codes and their Parameters - Mathematical Preliminaries: Groups - Subgroups and Equivalence Relations - Cosets, Rings & Fields - Vector Spac
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Contents: Introduction to heat transfer - General heat conduction equation -One dimensional steady state conduction in rectangular coordinate,cylindrical and spherical coord
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Basic computing - discretization numerical errors - coputations of ODE - solving stiff equation through orthoganization - relationship between computing and science - mileston
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Contents: Introduction to Propulsion : The making of thrust to fly - science and history of propulsion; How the jet engines make thrust : conceptual basis; Jet engine : Turb
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Contents: Introduction & Development of Jet Aircraft Propulsion - How the Aircraft Jet Engines make Thrust - Jet Engine Basic Performance Parameters - Turbojet, Reheat Turboj
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Algebra of Sets: sets and classes, limit of a sequence of sets, rings, sigma-rings, fields, sigma-fields, monotone classes. Probability: Classical, relative frequency and axi
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The objective of this course is to introduce those real life problems which can be formulated as Linear Programming Problems ( LPP ). The course will be taught as a first cour
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(a) Course Design Rationale The Rationale and objective of the courses to impart to the student: An understanding of the theory and principles of Organization Management and t
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This course provides a broad overview of investment management, focusing on the application of finance theory to the issue faced by portfolio managers and investors in general
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This course will teach a focused managerial strategy of process improvement and variation reduction called Six Sigma, a measure of quality that strives for near perfection. I
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I-Introduction Introduction to Strategic Management, Concept of Corporate Strategy, Strategic Management Process, The 7-S Framework, Corporate Policy and Planning in India.
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Review of basic concepts in structural analysis:structure (structural elements, joints and supports, stability, rigidity and static indeterminacy, kinematic indeterminacy);loa
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The objective of this course is to introduce the concepts of probability theory and stochastic processes with applications in hydrologic analysis and design. Modeling of hydr
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Introduction:Transport and Socioeconomic Activities, Historical Development of Transport, Transportation in the Cities, Freight Transportation, Future Developments - Urban Tra
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Introduction - Architecture and Organization of 8085 - Instruction Set : Vocabulary of the Machine - Assembly Language Programming - Memory Interfacing - Data Transfer Techniq
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Introduction:Vertex cover and independent set - Matchings: Konig's theorem and Hall's theorem - More on Hall's theorem and some applications - Tutte's theorem on existence of
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Contents: Introduction to linear IC applications. Design and error budget analysis of signal conditioners for low level ac and dc applications. Signal conditioners with ins
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Fundamentals of Separation Processes; Basic definitions of relevant terms. Membrane based separation processes; fundamentals and various terms; classifications; Design aspect
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This course assumes that the students have undergone UG courses in Engineering Mathematics, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics and are familiar with the use of
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Contents: Introduction - Overview on Modern Cryptography - Introduction to Number Theory - Probability and Information Theory - Classical Cryptosystems-Cryptanalysis of Class
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The objective of this course is to present a comprehensive tools and techniques for managerial decision making including problem of cost estimation, market size determination,
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This course is designed to familiarize the students with various instrumental methods of chemical analysis that scientists and engineers come across during their course work a
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Equations of Motion. Principle of Causality and Newton�s I & II Laws. Interpretation of Newton�s 3rd Law as �conservation of momentum� and its determination from translational
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This course explores the various nonlinear optical phenomena and the quantum nature of light. Media behave in a nonlinear fashion when the light intensities are high and this
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Introduction and Review - Need for Analysis Additional Thermodynamic Functions State and Path Variables - Equations for a Closed system Chemical Potential Concept Gibbs-Duhem
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The course covers the basic aspects of Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Spectacular failures that triggered the birth of fracture mechanics, Modes of loading, Classification as
- 12 weeks weeks
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This is the first course for Naval Architecture students in 'Hydrostatics and Stability'. This course covers the basic principles of stability, starting from the Archimedes pr
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Basic mathematical preliminaries:Dirac Delta function and Fourier Transforms. Wave particle duality, one- and three- dimensional Schr�dinger equation. The free particle probl
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Contents: Introduction, radiation from a black body: Introduction to three modes of heat transfer- conduction, convection and radiation. Importance of radiation, Mechanism o
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Contents: Module-1: Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics and Principles of Conservation: Computational Fluid Dynamics: What, When, and Why?, CFD Applications, Numeri
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ntroduction, Relationship between energy balance, energy conservation and environment; Dimensions, units and conversion factors; Stoichiometry; Principles of calculations; Sam
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This course proposes to discuss the relationship between social processes and demographic transition in India. Therefore, it focuses on introducing the tools and techniques o
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Conventional and newer sources of energy, Characterization of fuels: Analysis and calorific value with problems, Principles of conversion of fuels: Carbonization, Gasification
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Module 1: Introduction Introduction to design and specifically system design. Morphology of design with a flow chart. Very brief discussion on market analysis, profit, time
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A Beginning with some practical situations, which call for multiresolution/ multiscale analysis - and how time-frequency analysis and wavelets arise from them. Examples: Image
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Contents: Overview of experimental stress analysis, Stress analysis � Analytical, Numerical and Experimental approaches, Specific domain of these approaches, Advantages and d
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The objective of this course is to develop methods for analysis of structures subjected to dynamic loads which are random in nature. Structures under the action of wind or ea
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The objective of the course is to provide an exposition first to the notion of computability, then to the notion of computational feasibility or tractability. We first convinc
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Contents: Fundamental of Biology & Biotechnology - Glimpses of Microbial World - Bacteria - Virus and Cell Organelles - Carbohydrate - Nucleic Acid - Lipids--Proteins - Bioch
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Materials display properties. What is the physics behind these properties? Starting from an electronic or atomic level, how can we arrive at the properties of the materials? T
- 12 weeks weeks
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Real-time systems are finding increasing use. The following issues will be discussed. Introduction Modeling Timing constraints Scheduling Real-Time Tasks: Types of Schedul
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The objective of this course is to learn how to improve the quality of the programs that you write for execution on high performance computer systems. The course discusses th
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Contents: Overview of compilation - Run-Time Environments - Local Optimizations - Machine code generation - Global Register Allocation - Implementing Object-Oriented Language
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Introduction to Information Theory and Coding - Definition of Information Measure and Entropy - Extension of An Information Source and Markov Source - Adjoint of An Informatio
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Seakeeping : Regular water waves � definition of ship motions � single degree of freedom motions in regular waves � uncoupled heave, pitch and roll motions � coupled heave and
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Contents: Introduction & Overview - Basic Concepts:Representation of Chemical Reactions - Thermodynamics of Chemical Reactions:Part-I Chemical Reaction Kinetics and Reactor D
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Introduction to ships & offshore structures; Characteristics of shipbuilding industry; Structural Requirement - Longitudinal strength, Transverse strength,Torsional strength,
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Introduction - Basics of Light - Ray Model - Wave Model - Signal Distortion - Practical issues in Implementation of Fiber link - Optical Sources - Light Emitting Diodes - Lase
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Contents: Errors in Computation and Numerical Instability - Solution of Non linear Algebraic Equations - Solution of a System of Linear Algebraic Equations - Interpolation an
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Contents: Structure of Materials Nano Crystalline Materials Amorphous Materials Quasicrystals Nano Quasicrystals Rapid Solidification Processing Mechanical Alloyi
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Basics of MOS circuits: MOS Transistor structure and device modeling MOS Inverters MOS Combinational Circuits - Different Logic Families Sources of Power dissipation: Dy
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Contents: Graph_Basics - Breadth_First_Search - Dijkstra_Algo - All Pair Shortest Path - Matriods - Minimum Spanning Tree - Edmond\'s Matching Algo - Flow Networks - Ford Ful
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Contents: General Introduction to Patterning; Lithography Techniques, Applications of Patterned thin films. Classification of Patterning Techniques: Top Down, Bottom up, com
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Contents: p-n Diode : n- and p- semiconductors. p-n junction formation. Junction properties: contact potential, junction capacitance. Currents in forward and reverse biased j
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Review of Basic Organization and Architectural Techniques: RISC processors,Characteristics of RISC processors,RISC Vs CISC,Classification of Instruction Set Architectures,Rev
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Course Objective: To provide an introduction to traditional and modern coding theory. Topics covered include linear block codes, cyclic codes (BCH and RS codes), convolutio
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This course covers the analysis and design of CMOS Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters,with about 7 design assigments. The syllabus is as follows : (i) Intro
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Contents: Introduction - How to avoid common mistakes - Selection of techniques and metrics - Case study: Selection of techniques and metrics - Random Variables and probabili
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Introduction : The challenge,Requirements of Manufacturing,Various methodologies,Cellular Manufacturing - Cell Formation - Early methods : Production Flow Analysis,Rank Order
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- 12 weeks weeks
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Basic concepts on polymers - Polymer raw materials - Polymerization principles and processes (step, chain and other polymerizations, polymer kinetics) - Polymerization techniq
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Introduction to Numerical Methods : Why study numerical methods,Sources of error in numerical solutions: truncation error, round off error.,Order of accuracy - Taylor series e
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Contents: Introduction : Optimization, Types of Problems and Algorithms Background : Linear Algebra and Analysis,Convex Sets and Convex Functions. Unconstrained Optimizat
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Contents: Propositional Logic : Syntax, Unique parsing, Semantics, Equivalences, Consequences, Calculations, Informal proofs. Normal Forms and Resolution : Clauses, CNF an
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This course introduces the concepts of the primary differences between an incompressible flow and compressible flow. It draws the connection between compressible flow and spee
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Evolution of HVDC Transmission-Comparison of HVAC and HVDC systems-Type of HVDC Transmission systems-Components of HVDC transmission systems - Analysis of simple rectifier cir
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Introduction, problem of brachistochrone, problem of geodesics, isoperimetric problem,Variation and its properties, functions and functionals, Comparison between the notion of
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Contents: Early developments in metal extraction (Introduction, discovery of metals and their importance, important landmarks, nonferrous metals in Indian history, uses of no
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Contents: Polynomial and piecewisepolynomial Interpolation : Divided Difference, Lagrange and Newton Form,Osculatory Interpolation. Numerical Integration : Some Basic Rules,
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Contents: Introduction to the Immune System - Cells and organs of the Immune System - Innate Immunity - B Cell Receptors - B Cell Activation - Development and Differentiatio
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Contents: An overview of optimization problem, some examples of optimum design problem - Concepts and terms related to optimization problem, necessary and sufficient conditio
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Introduction - Aero elastic Problems - Deformation of Structures and Influence Coefficients - Energy Method - Classification and Solution of Aero elastic Problems - Static Aer
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Contents: Open Channel Flow : Kinds of open channel flow, channel geometry, types and regimes of flow,Velocity distribution in open channel, wide open channel, specific energ
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Contents: Sound : Biology of Speech Processing; Place and Manner of Articulation; Word Boundary Detection; Argmax based computations; HMM and Speech Recognition. Words and
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Transformer and D.C rotating machine will be the main topics to be discussed in this course. Working principle of ideal transformer and its equivalent circuit referred to two
- 12 weeks weeks
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Contents: Introduction to basic concepts of Materials Science; Salient properties of important material classes - Property requirement of biomaterials; Concept of biocompatib
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CAD Applications: Engineering Products, analogy: documentation, Design Representation, FEM, Optimization, Software/AutoCAD/Mechanical Desktop/I-DEAS - Solid Modeling: Represen
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Contents: Introduction - Estimation of Flow Patterns - Flow Pattern Maps Fascinating Taylor Bubbles - Definitions and Common Terminologies - Simple Analytical Models - The Ho
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Contents: Multivariate analysis is a fundamental concept in applied statistics. In this course - we shall first look at basic concepts of multivariate distributions and s
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KLEIN-GORDON AND DIRAC EQUATIONS:Introduction, The Klein-Gordon equation - Particles and antiparticles, Two component framework - Coupling to electromagnetism, Solution of the
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Regression analysis is one of the most powerful methods in statistics for determining the relationships between variables and using these relationships to forecast future obse
- 12 weeks weeks
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Contents: Airplane nomenclature and aerodynamics, Review of basics of rigid body dynamics, Concepts of static and dynamic stability, Need for stability in an airplane, Purpos
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Contents: The course on micro-scale transport process introduces the fundamental concepts, principles and application of momentum - Energy and diffusion processes in micro-sc
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Contents: Physical Oceanography � Description of World�s Oceans, currents, salinity, ocean floor characteristics Metocean Engineering � wind, wave and current loads on off
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Introduction and Basic Concepts : Concept of watershed, introduction to watershed management, different stakeholders and their relative importance, watershed management polici
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Forecasting : Need for forecasting,Quantitative methods - Facility layout and location : Qualitative aspects,Quantitative models for layout decisions,Product, process fixed po
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Contents: Introduction - Dimensional analysis - Limitations of unit operations approach - Diffusion due to random motion. Estimates of diffusion coefficient from kinetic theo
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Contents: Introduction - Propositional Logic Syntax - Semantics of Propositional Logic - Logical and Algebraic Concepts - Identities and Normal forms - Tautology Checking - P
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Contents: Cryogenics and its applications, Properties of cryogenic fluids, Properties of materials at cryogenic temperature, Gas‐Liquefaction and Refrigeration Syste
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INTRODUCTION : Hydrologic cycle, water budget equation, world water quantities, residence time, systems concept, transfer function operators, hydrologic model classification -
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Contents: Introduction : RF systems � basic architectures - Transmission media and reflections - Maximum power transfer Passive RLC Networks : Parallel RLC tank, Q - Series
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Contents: Wireless Communications and Diversity : Fast Fading Wireless Channel Modeling - Rayleigh/Ricean Fading Channels - BER Performance in Fading Channels - Diversity mod
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Contents: Need to define Lebesgue Integral,Semi-algebra, Algebra, Monotone class, Sigma-algebra, Monotone class theorem. Measure spaces.Extension of measures from algebras to
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Contents: Atomic Bonding & Crystal Structure : Metallic bond, unit cell, atomic packing, interstitial sites, Miller indices, crystal orientation, stereographic projection. E
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Contents: Essentials of Process Control : Process dynamics, Laplace transform models and identification - Concept of feedback control, block diagram representation, PID contr
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Contents: Background and Requirements : Introduction, Motion of bodies in space, parameters describing motion of bodies, frame of reference - Impulse, force, universal law fo
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Contents: Strategy: Philosophy;Competition;Competitive Advantage Case Study - Group Presentation on Case Strategy: Implementation in Organizations Strategy: Design: Proce
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Contents: Introduction : Glimpses of Microsystems; scaling effects - Smart materials and systems: an overview - Microsensors: some examples - Microactuators: some examples -
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Introduction to Turbomachineries:Axial flow compressors and Fans : Introduction - A simple two dimensional analytical model - 2-D Losses in axial flow compressor stage - Prof
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Contents: Introduction - ideal and viscous incompressible fluid; Kinematics of fluid; Lagrangian and Eulerian methods of description, velocity, acceleration, streamlines, pat
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Contents: Introduction to Game Theory : What is game theory? - Theory of rational choice - Interacting decision makers Strategic Games and Nash Equilibrium : Strategic g
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Generalized theory and Kron�s primitive machine model - Modeling of dc machines - Modeling of induction machine - Modeling of synchronous machine - Reference frame theory and
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Contents: Basics : First, second and third laws of thermodynamics, Maxwell's relations, Clausius-Clayperon equation. Solutions : solution models, regular, sub-regular, clust
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Introduction to control problem - Basic Feedback Structure - Introduction to Control Problem - Dynamic Systems and Dynamic Response - Models of Industrial Control Devices and
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Introduction to Power System Stability : Power System Operation and Control - Stability Problems faced by Power Systems - Impact on Power System Operation and Control - Analys
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Approximate solution of boundary value problems-Methods of weighted residuals, Approximate solution using variational method, Modified Galerkin method, Boundary conditions and
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Introduction : why do we need advanced machining processes (amps) - advanced machining processes - remarks - mechanical advanced machining processes : abrasive jet machining (
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Contents: Introduction to Space Flight Mechanics - Particle Dynamics - Conic Section. Central Force Motion : Two Body Problem Equation of Relative Motion,Integrals of the Tw
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Contents: The Socio-Economic Role of Scarcity and Uncertainty - The Process of Construction of Knowledge - The roles of Faith and Experience - From Orphism to the Milesians i
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Contents: Reaction Rates and Rate Laws - Effect of Temperature on Reaction Rate - Complex Reactions - Theories of Reaction Rates - Kinetics of Some specific Reactions - Kinet
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Contents: Introduction (DM) : Introductory Remarks,A Historical Perspective,An Overview of Modern Iron and Steelmaking,Energy in Iron and Steel Industry,Environmental, Health
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Contents: Introduction to organic photochemistry - Primary photochemical reactions of n,Ï€*states - Photophysical process of n,Ï€*states: Electronic energy transfer - Detail
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Contents: Introduction to Process Control. Mathematical Modeling : Development of mathematical models,Modeling considerations for control purposes. Dynamic Behavior of Ch
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Solution of Systems of Linear Equations:Introduction - Basic Ideas of Applied Linear Algebra - Systems of Linear Equations - Square Non-Singular Systems - Ill-Conditioned and
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Contents: Introduction - Historical Development of Helicopters - Helicopter Configuration - Control Requirements - Types of Rotor Systems - Basic Power Requirements. Intro
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Contents: Introduction : Types of dynamic loads - Basic background of methods available and motivation for structural dynamics. Dynamics of Single Degree-of-Freedom Structur
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Contents: Functions : Introduce the idea of functions using examples from Biology. Eg. Velocity of molecular motors as a function of ATP concentration Derivative of a funct
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Contents: Introduction using basic visibility problems : Introduction,Visibility problems 2D Maxima - The plane sweep technique and applications - The plane sweep technique
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Mass transfer operations in process industries : Absorption, Distillation, Extraction, Adsorption, Drying; Design and performance of unit - Operations : Rate and equilibrium s
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Introduction: Need for studying particle characteristics; Typical industrial applications; emerging nano-particle technologies; microelectronics applications - Single Particle
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Contents: Introduction : Scope and objective; Nature and types of dynamic loading; Importance of soil dynamics Vibration theory : Vibration of elementary systems; Degrees
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Contents: Introduction To Internet - Review Of Network Technologies - TCP/IP -IP Sub netting and Addressing - Internet Routing Protocol - Client Server Concepts DNS,Tel net,F
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Contents: INTRODUCTION : Defining Tribology,Tribology in Design - Mechanical design of oil seals and gasket - Tribological design of oil seals and gasket,Tribology in Industr
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Contents: Basic Fluid Mechanics : Conservation of mass and momentum, Euler Equation, Bernoullis equation, potential flow, stream function. Waves : Classification of water wa
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Contents: Metric Spaces : Metric spaces with examples,Holder inequality & Minkowski inequality,Various concepts in a metric space,Separable metric space with examples,Converg
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Contents: Introduction : Role of Probability in Civil Engineering Problems; Examples. Random Events : Definition of basic random events; Application of set theory in definit
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Contents: Introducing Ergonomics, Welcome and content details - Discipline approach: Ergonomics/ Human factors - Human physical dimension concern - Posture and movement - Beh
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Contents: Introduction and Historical Background - VLSI Classification - Review of Bipolar & MOS Transistor Structure - Isolation Techniques in Advanced VLSI - Bipolar IC Fab
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Contents: Introduction to broadband digital communication,Introduction to broadband digital communication,Serializers and deserializers,Forgot to hit "record"!,CMOS logic, si
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Contents: Course overview and introduction,The Butterworth approximation,The Chebyshev approximation,The Chebyshev approximation (contd),The Chebyshev approximation (contd),
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Introduction - theory of semiconductors - pn juction - rectifiers - rectifiers - Filters - LEDs and photo diodes - SCR(Silicon Controlled Rectifier) - BJT(Bipolar Junction Tra
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Contents: Introduction to VLSI - Design and Technology Overview of VLSI - Yield and cost Estimation of VLSI Chips - Defects, Contamination & Clean Room Requirements - Wafer C
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Contents: Why a course in Spoken English - Student Presentation : Cycle I : Who I am - Feed Back on Presentation - Aspects of Theatre in Formal Presentation : Grooming, Body
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Contents: Introduction : Historical background of reinforced soil, Principles of reinforced soil through Mohr circle analysis. Different types of geosynthetics : Types of ge
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Manufacturing and Manufacturing Systems - Manufacturing Trends and Challenges - Manufacturing Aspects, Selection and Classification - Description and Taxonomy of the Mfg. Proc
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Contents: Overview of Pattern classification and regression : Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition - Overview of Pattern Classifiers Bayesian decision making and
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Contents: Canonical Quantization : General Formulation. Conjugate Momentum and Quantization. Neutral Scalar Field. Commutation Relations, Normal Ordering, Bose Symmetry, Fock
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Contents: The Transcendent Mind : Revising the traditional notion of Consciousness - The nature of soul in Plato and Aristotle - Cartesian Dualism: res cogitans vs. res exten
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Quantum Mechanics and the Symmetry of the hydrogen atom - Complete set of observables for the non-relativistic Hydrogen atom - radial and angular wavefunctions; Complete set o
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REVIEW OF SET THEORY : Operations on sets, family of sets, indexing set, functions, axiom of choice, relations, equivalence relation, partial order, total order, maximal eleme
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Contents: Introduction : Introduction to Digital VLSI Design Flow - High Level Design Representation - Transformations for High Level Synthesis - Scheduling, Allocation and B
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Contents: Switched Mode Power Conversion - Overview,Prior Art: Linear dc to dc Power Converters,Power Switching Devices, Ideal Switches, Real Switches, Steady State and Dynam
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Contents: Compression of fibrous assemblies : C. M. van Wyk�s theory, generalization of van wyk�s theory, comparison between theoretical and experiment results Pores among f
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Contents: Introduction to acoustics and combustion driven oscillations - Derivation of the wave equation - Traveling wave solutions - Acoustic energy corollary - Impedance &
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Contents: Process selection, synthesis and analysis : Aspects of process design, pre-project objectives, project classification, hierarchical approach to process design. Eng
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Contents: Motivations for studying quantum mechanics - Basic principles of quantum mechanics,Probabilities and probability amplitudes - Linear vector spaces , bra and ket vec
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concenpts : Compressibility - Thermodynamic concepts - Conservation equations - Communicatio in gases - Stagnation state - One Dimensional Flow : Pressure waves in gases - Com
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chromatographic techniques : such as gaschromatography (GC) with all the types of detectors�electron capture (ECD), flame ionization (FID), thermal couple (TCD), Nitrogen-Phos
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Contents: History of Dyestuff - Light colour and different dyestuffs - Classification of Natural dyes � By structure and by color - Relation between Color and constitution -
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Negative feedback systems and stability : Negative feedback amplifier using an integrator, Frequency and time domain behavior, Loop gain and its implications; Negative feedbac
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Contents: Basics of plasmas : Plasma as a state of matter, Debye length, plasma frequency, collisions, dc conductivity, ac conductivity. Plasma production and measurements :
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Contents: Single Mass Rotors - Gyroscopic Effects in Rotors - Torsional Vibrations - Transverse Vibrations - Bearings - Balancing of Rotors - Bearing Dynamic Coefficient Meas
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Contents: Linear Algebra : Review: Groups, Fields, & Matrices - Vector Spaces, Subspaces, Linearly dependent / independent of vectors - Basis, Dimension, Rank and Matrix Inve
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Introduction to process fluid mechanics; Dimensions and units; SI units - Fundamental concepts: Definition of a fluid; Continuum hypothesis; Velocity field;Stress field; Newto
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Contents: Refreshing of Wave Mechanics (small and finite amplitude wave theories) - Waves in shallow waters - shoaling, refraction, diffraction and breaking- Interaction curr
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Contents: Introduction : Introduction and overview of the course, lecture-wise description - The Algebra Geometry and Topology of the Complex Plane : Complex numbers, conjuga
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Contents: Properties of Surfaces : Introduction - Blackbody radiation - Properties of real surfaces - Spectral and directional variations. Radiation exchange between surface
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The course will focus on some important trends and genres in world cinema, along with key concepts in film studies. It aims to make participants familiar with some major inter
- 12 weeks weeks
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Contents: Introduction to different types of ocean structures - Development of structural forms for deep and ultra-deep waters - Environmental forces - structural action of o
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Contents: Defination - performance measures - different bio metric systems - applications - issues - system security - system errors&myths - selection of bio metric systems -
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Aircraft and Aerodynamic Forces and Moments - Fluids and Forces in Fluids - Forces in Fluids-Kinematics of fluid motion - Kinematics of fluid motion - Velocity with specified
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Contents: Basic concepts of compressible flow - continuity, energy and momentum equations; One-dimensional inviscid flow; Stagnation quantities; Isentropic conditions; Speed
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Contents: Introduction : Definition of heteroatom and alkaloids and bases - Importance of heterocycles and heterocycles in medicine - Nomenclature and common names - Structur
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Contents: Components of ship resistance, dimensional ananlysis, Froude's hypothesis and model analysis, frictional resistance, wave resistance, wind resistance; effect of bul
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Contents: Dedekind Theory of Irrational numbers : Rational numbers, section of Rational numbers, Irrational numbers, real Numbers, Dedekind Theorem, The Continuum Exercise- T
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Introduction, soil exploration, analysis and interpretation of soil exploration data, estimation of soil parameters for foundation design - Shallow Foundations :Methods for be
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Introduction - Crystallography: structures and structure determination - Bonding in solids: Difference in metals and ceramics - Rules for structure formation in oxides/ionic s
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Contents: Understanding Creativity :The concept of creativity has been debated and discussed through number of critical positions. The historically contextualized definitions
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Contents: Introduction to the subject and the course Module A: Basics of organisations and human resources management - Understanding organisations - Concerns of organising
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Introduction to Vector Calculus:Spherical and Cylindrical coordinates, gradient, divergence and curl, Laplacian operator - Volume and line integrals, surface integrals, Diverg
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Contents: Review of Semiconductor Device Physics : Energy bands in solids, the E-k diagram, Density of states, Occupation probability, Fermi level and quasi Fermi levels, p-n
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Contents: Introduction - Semi-classical Bulk Transport � Qualitative Model - Semi-classical Bulk Transport � EM field and Transport Equations - Drift-Diffusion Transport
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Introduction: Monsoon definitions, summer monsoon, post-monsoon and winter monsoon, nature of the variability of the Indian summer monsoon - Background about the atmosphere a
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Contents: The Fundamentals of Managerial Economics : Goals and Constraints - The Nature and Importance of Profits - Understanding Incentives - Economic rationality, Scarcity
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Contents: Introduction : Evolution of welding; classification of welding processes; heat sources and shielding methods. Physics of Welding Arc : Welding arc; voltage distrib
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Basic concepts in microscopy - Dark-field and phase contrast microscopy - Differential interference contrast and polarization - Fluorescence and confocal microscopy - Transmis
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Contents: Introduction - Parallel Programming Paradigms - Parallel Architecture - Open MP - Open MP&PRAM Model of Computation - PRAM - Models of Parallel Computation, Complex
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Contents: What is sociology - Sociological approaches - Nature of society: Individuals and groups - Cooperation and conflict - Definition and classification of family - Persp
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Review of Classical Mechanics : Hamiltonians and Lagrangians. Legendre transforms and their properties. Euler-Lagrange equations. Principle of least action. (Functional calcul
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Defining the Postmodern - The English Patient - Introduction - Life of Michael Ondaatje - The English Patient - The story - The text - The English Patient -Narrative - Themes
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Introduction - Design today - human aid to lifestyle - Journey, fitting task to man - Domain, philosophy and objective - Mutual task comfort: two way dialogue, communication m
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Contents: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: wave particle duality, uncertainty principle, standing waves, stationary states, atomic orbitals, path integrals and random walks
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Introduction and Basic concept of green catalysis - Solid acids and bases as catalysts , Application of catalyst functionality concepts for control of reaction selectivity a
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Contents: Introduction and course contents - Bioprocess case studies/flow sheet - Characteristics of biomolecules and their differences - Various down stream process steps -
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Foundation concepts on Strategy, Marketing and Strategic Marketing,Foundation concepts from Finance for Marketing Decisions,Marketing implications of Corporate strategy decisi
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Contents: Surface Coating : Introduction CVD Coating : CVD reaction - Adhesion of CVD coating - CVD System - CVD of TiC - Chemical Vapour Deposition of Nitride Coating - Che
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Contents: introduction - Propositional Logic Syntax - Semantics of Propositional Logic - Logical and Algebraic Concepts - Identities and Normal forms - Tautology Checking-Pro
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Introduction to BioMEMS and Microsystems technology : Biochips/ biosensors and introduction to device fabrication, Introduction to Cell biology,DNA & Protein chemistry, Microf
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Contents: Overview of the Course : Remembering Geiger, Marsden and Rutherford, Alpha particle scattering from metal foils - Overview of Nuclear Physics Basic Nuclear Constit
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Contents: Introduction : oxide and non-oxide ceramics, their chemical formulae, crystal and defect structures, non-stoichiometry and typical properties - Powder Preparation:
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Contents: Overview of power electronic converters : Electronic switches - DC - DC converters - DC - AC voltage source inverter - Voltage source and current source inverters -
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Introduction : Macroeconomic vs Microeconomic Issues, Economic Systems, Alternative Branches of Macroeconomic Theory, Business Cycles, Prices Output & Employment, Structure of
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Contents: What is Money : Functions of Money, Kinds of Money, Interest Rates and Return Money Supply : Traditional Monetary Aggregates, New Monetary Aggregates, Velocity of
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Contents: Introduction : Definitions, origin, nomenclature, classification of macromolecules; molecular weight (MW) and its distribution; thermal transitions; thermodynamics
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Contents: Introduction to project finance - Uses of project finance - Motivations for using project finance - Unique features of infrastructure projects - Essential elements
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Contents: Introduction to Electronic Materials - Electrical conductivity of materials - Direct & indirect band semiconductors - Semiconductor statisics - Doping in semiconduc
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Scalars and Vectors: Scalars, Vectors, Vector Products, Vector Spaces, linear independence, basis, curvilinear coordinates, Tensors.Applications: Two body problem, Center of M
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Contents: Background of reinforced earth, mechanism and concepts, Basis of reinforced earth wall design - Geosynthetics classifications, functions, applications, raw material
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Contents: Electronic Structure of Materials : Pre-quantum mechanics picture: Drudes Model - Review of quantum mechanics and free electron theory, failures of free electron th
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Contents: Vessel type and size - Types of harbour - Port planning - Layout of ports - Types of breakwater - Design wave height, tide, storm surge and Tsunami - Naval hydrogra
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INTRODUCTION: What constitutes an Explosion, Sound Waves, Derivation for Sound Velocity, Steepening of Sound Waves from Impulsive Energy Release, Shock Waves, Loud Noise and D
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Atomic Arrangement in Crystalline Solids - Defects n Crystalline Solids - Microstructure Evolution - Quantification of Microstructures - Bonding in materials - Geometry of Cry
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The course on "Concrete Technology" focuses on concrete making materials including supplementary cementitious materials. Concrete production process also forms a part of t
- 12 weeks weeks
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For an autonomous agent to behave in an intelligent manner it must be able to solve problems. This means it should be able to arrive at decisions that transform a given situat
- 12 weeks weeks
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Background - Introduction to multivariate statistical modeling : Basic univariate statistics - Univariate descriptive statistics - Sampling distribution - Estimation - Hypothe
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Basic Soil Mechanics: Basic soil properties, correlation between engineering parameters, geotechnical investigation, bore log,Pile foundation: Jacket main piles, skirt piles,
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Odd-Even Merging Network - Mesh Connected Computer - Lexicographic Combination - k th Element (EREW model) - k th Smallest Element in X+Y (CREW algorithm) - Bitonic merge - Me
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Contents: Introduction - Mechanical vibration: Linear nonlinear systems, types of forces and responses - Conservative and non conservative systems, equilibrium points, qualit
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Basic facts about maxima and minima - Examples and modeling - Mathematical Prerequisites - Optimality conditions for Unconstrained Optimization - The Steepest Descent Method -
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Introduction to system Design - Engineering systems Classification & examples - Modern System design processes - Six functions of design process - Tools for enabling creative
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Introduction to Vehicle Dynamics - Longitudinal Dynamics - Tire Mechanics � An Introduction - A Simple Tire Model - Lateral Dynamics - Mimuro plot for lateral transient respon
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INTRODUCTION : Introduction To Organometallic Chemistry;C1 LIGANDS AND SIMPLE REACTIONS : Metal carbonyl complexes - Metal carbonyls �Part II - Ligand substitution reactions -
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Introduction - Alphabet, Strings, Languages, Finite Representation of languages, Regular Expressions - Context-free Grammars (CFGs) -Formal definition, sentential forms, leftm
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Introduction to the Course Contents - Linear Equations - Equivalent Systems of Linear Equations I: Inverses of Elementary Row-operations - Equivalent Systems of Linear Equatio
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Course introduction and overview - Distributed generation technologies - Distributed storage technologies - Distribution system protection - Circuit breaker coordination - Sym
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Introduction - Atmosphere-A brief survey (Pressure, Temperature and Chemical composition,Vertical structure of the atmosphere and The Earth system) - Oceans The Earth system a
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Introduction of the Course - What is linguistics? What is Language? - Language and Arbitrariness, Language and Dialect - E vs I Language, Language as a rule governed system -
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Introduction to Business Analysis for Engineers - Introduction to Accounting - Accounting Principles - Balance Sheet Fundamentals - Accounting Principles - Introduction to Inc
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Introduction and Overview - Fundamentals of Vector Spaces - Basic Dimension and Sub-space of a Vector Space - Introduction to Normed Vector Spaces - Examples of Norms,Cauchy S
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Introduction - First Order systems - Classification of Equilibrium points - Lipschitz Functions - Existence uniqueness theorems - Existence uniqueness of solutions to differen
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Introduction to Materials Chemistry - Preparative routes: Conventional - Precursor technique - Preparative routes: Un Conventional � Soncochemistry technique,Combustion techni
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What is Flying - Mythology - History of Aviation - Ballons - Leonardo da Vinci - First Powered Flight - Rockets - Features - Applications - History of Rockets - William Congre
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Introduction to Physiology : Cell & General Physiology - Membrane Physiology, Nerve and Muscle - The Heart - The Circulation - The Kidneys and Body Fluids - Blood Cells, Immun
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Historical Perspective - Emerging of MEMS - Emergence of BioMEMS - Micro/ Nano-systems - On Size and Scale! - Silicon MEMS examples - Examples of Microsystems in Biology - Bio
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Preliminaries : Set Theory - Real Analysis basics - Cardinality and Countability,Probability Measures : Probability Spaces - Properties of Probability Measures - Discrete Prob
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Overview of Nanostructures and Nanomaterials: classification - Crystalline nanomaterials and defects therein. Hybrid nanomaterials - Multiscale hierarchical structures built o
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Revision of basic Digital systems - Combinational Circuits - Sequential Circuits - Timing- Electrical Characteristics - Power Dissipation,Current state of the field:SoC, IP De
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Double Entry System, Forms of Organisation - Introduction to Management Accounting - Financial Statements - Balance Sheet - Profit and Loss Account - Company Account - Account
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Seismology- tectonic plates, causes of earthquake, soil effects, seismic hazard analysis;Earthquake inputs - spectrums, PSDFs, design spectrum, predictive relationship; Respon
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Introduction - Maintenance Principles - Failure Modes Effects & Criticality Analysis - Basics of Machinery Vibration - Engineering Applications of Vibration - Rotordynamics -
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It will give an excellent opportunity to study and use the century old Nobel prize winning knowledge of coordination chemistry. The study will also lead to understand the diff
- 12 weeks weeks
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Motivation and real life examples:An introduction about differential equations and why this course - Present various examples like population growth, spring-mass-dashpot syste
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Introduction to Instability and Transition - Computing Transitional and Turbulent Flows - Fluid Dynamical Equations - Some Equilibrium Solutions of the Basic Equation - Bound
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Overview - What is bioelectricity - Historical perspective - Examples in nature - Bioelectrical phenomenon in mammals, insects, and fishes : Bioelectric potentials - Ion chann
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Basic principles of counting - Sample space , events, axioms of probability - Conditional probability, Independence of events - Random variables, cumulative density function,
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Arc tangents to lines and arcs - Line and angle bisectors - Line and angle trisectors - Polygons - Construction of ellipse: Concentric circles pentagon - Intersecting arcs -
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Introduction:Cultural Studies: An Introduction - Understanding Cultural Studies - Evolution and Culture - Evolutionary Psychology - The Modern Mind: Its Origins - Memetics - S
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Introduction to Proteomics Course - Central Dogma: Basics of DNA, RNA, Proteins - Genomics and Transcriptomics: Why proteomics - Proteins: Amino acids and structural levels of
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Introduction - Internal Energy Enthalpy - Crystal Geometry - Crystal Structure - Close Packing of Spheres of Equal Size - Structure of Solid Materials - Non Crystalline Solids
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Basic principles of Propulsion - Historical background, Classification of propulsive devices, Applications of aircraft and rocket engines - Review of basic thermodynamics, In
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Introduction, Relationship between energy balance, energy conservation and environment - Dimensions, units and conversion factors - Stoichiometry; Principles of calculations -
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Introduction:First Basic Problem - Systems of Linear equations - Matrix Notation - The various questions that arise with a system of linear eqautions - Second Basic Problem -
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What is sociology - Sociological approaches - Nature of society: Individuals and groups - Cooperation and conflict - Family-I: Definition and classification of family - Family
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Introduction to Communication:Need for Effective Communication,The Process of Communication:Levels of communication; Flow of communication; Use of language in communication; C
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Data and Information - Types of information: operational, tactical, strategic and statutory - why do we need information systems - management structure - requirements of infor
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Water and Wastewater Quantity Estimation - Population forecast; Water demand for various purposes; Estimation of wastewater quantity; Variation in quantity of water and wastew
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Introduction:Need for Ground Improvement, Different types of problematic soils, Emerging trends in ground Improvement - Mechanical stabilization:Shallow and deep compaction re
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Introduction and course overview - Constituents of concrete - Admixtures in concrete - mineral and chemical - Hydration of cement - Basic properties of concrete - Proportionin
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Introduction - Iron Storage and Transport - Electron Transfer in Photosynthesis - Manganese Enzymes - Nickel Enzymes - Molybdenum Enzymes - Molybdenum and Tungsten in Biology
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Diffusion Mass Transfer:Introduction to mass transfer and diffusion, molecular diffusion in gases, liquids, biological solutions and gels - Diffusivity measurement and predict
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Introduction of vector space;Metric, Norm, Inner Product space;Examples Onto, into, one to one function, completeness of space Vectors: Linear combination of vectors, depend
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Introduction and Motivation for Advanced Control Design - Review of Classical Control - Classical Control Overview - Flight Dynamics - Basic Principles of Atmospheric Flight M
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Who and what matters - Medical, behavioural and social interpretation of adjustment process:Biomedical model, Medical model and psychological adjustment, Adjustment process, A
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Introduction to English Studies:Introduction - The Scope of English Studies - The English Language - The Alchemy of English - International English - The Globalization of Engl
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Introduction to various air breathing and non-air breathing engines - Conservation equations & derivation of the thrust equation for air breathing and non-air breathing engine
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Introduction to process Intensification and Process Integration(PI) - Areas of application and techniques available for PI, onion diagram - Pinch Technology-an overview:Introd
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Objectives of the course - Design Features of Language - Air Stream Mechanism, Organs of Articulation, Function of Vocal Chords, Sound Waves � Fundamental and Formant Freque
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Applications of the principles of soil mechanics to problems of earth dam, slopes, embankments, flexible retaining structures, Rigid and flexible retaining structures,Braced c
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Introduction to the STiTACS course - Quantum Collisions - Quantum Theory of collisions - Quantum Theory of collisions: optical Theorem - Quantum Theory of collisions: Differe
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An overview of a compiler - Lexical Analysis - Syntax Analysis - Semantic Analysis - Intermediate Code Generation - Run-Time Environments - Local Optimizations - Machine Code
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Riemann Hypothesis is one of the most important unresolved conjectures in mathematics. It connects the distribution of prime numbers with zeroes of Zeta function, defined on t
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Introduction to Microfluidics - Microfluidics: Some More Application Examples - Equations of Conservation - Navier Stokes Equation - Energy Equation and Species Conservation E
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Introduction and overview - Random Variables - Discrete Probability Distributions - Example Problems - Continuous Probability Distributions - Normal and Log Normal Probability
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Introduction and scope - Fixed type structures - Compliant type structures - New generation marine structures - Environmental loads - Ultimate load design principles - Ultimat
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Basic Concepts: Review of free and forced vibrations with and without damping; Free and forced vibration of single, two and multi-degree of freedom systems with and without vi
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Pulp and Paper: Raw materials, pulping processes, recovery of chemicals, stock preparation and paper making - Coal Chemicals: Various processes for obtaining coal chemicals, c
- Self Paced
The course has been designed to be offered as an elective to final year under graduate students mainly from Electrical Sciences background. The course syllabus assumes basic k
- 12 weeks weeks
- Self Paced
Optimization - Introduction - Formulation of LPP - Geometry of LPP and Graphical Solution of LPP - Solution of LPP : Simplex Method - Big - M Method - Two - Phase Method - Spe
- Self Paced
Historical review of psychology in the West:Introduction of this lecture series and the speakers - Psychology: Emerging of a discipline - Beginning, growth and decline of West
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Introduction to catalysts and catalysis:Catalysts and catalytic reactors, heterogeneous catalyst, activation energy, porous structure, types of catalysts, adsorption - Steps i
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Introduction: Classification of engineering materials and processing techniques, structure and properties of non-metals - Glass structure and properties, glass melting and for
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Introduction : Basic spray processes, Factors controlling spray formation - Drop size and velocity distribution functions : Number distributions, Mass/volume distributions, Em
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Overview of Reaction Engineering & challenges - Stoichiometric Table & gas law - Reactor Design Equations for ideal Vessels - Effect of Pressure Drop on Performance of Plug Fl
- Self Paced
Introduction: Logic and its relationship to other disciplines - Argument, Premises, conclusion, Indicators - Nature and scope of Deductive and Inductive Arguments - Validity a
- Self Paced
Introduction, review of concepts, terminology - Wave equation (1-D, 3D, spherical 1D) and its solutions - Transmission line equations, waveguides, 1D plane waves, interference
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- Self Paced
Introduction - Representation:Need to represent functions on computers - Introduce box functions - Intro to hat functions - Demo representation of sinx using hat functions: Al
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Introduction to Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering:Scope and objective; Nature and types of earthquake loading; Importance of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering;Basics of Vi
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Model Based Controller Design:Introduction - Control structures and performance measures - Time and frequency domain performance measures - Design of controller - Design of co
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Different types of ocean structures - Various structural systems deployed for shallow, medium, deep and ultra-deep waters - Various environmental loads acting on offshore stru
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Introduction to the subject and the course - Introduction, majors schools of thought and theories - Introduction to organizational management, nature , scope and complexity -
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Formal definition of 'signal' and 'system'. The domain and range variables, continuous and discrete signals and cont. and discrete systems. Cont./discrete vs analog/digital. D
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- Self Paced
Basics of Convex Optimization - Basic facts of Convex Optimization - Basic properties of convex sets - Introduction to Polyhedral sets - Separation theorems for convex sets -
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Introduction:Origin, Definition, Benefits, Challenges, Commercial activities, Physics of miniaturization, Scaling laws;Micro-scale fluid mechanics:Intermolecular forces, State
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Energy and Dependence on External Sources and Sun, Physical Descriptions and Reactions - Sun - Earth Geometry - Terminology Extra - Terrestrial Radiation Terrestria Radiation
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Introduction To The Study of Consumer Behavior -Market Research and Consumer Behavior - Market Segmentation and Positioning - The Consumer Decision Making Process - Models Of
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Empirical Facts of International Trade and their Explanations - Globalization Process: Costs and Benefits - Offer Curves, Community Indifference Curves, Trade Indifference Cur
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Introduction and Motivation - Basic concepts of point estimation: unbiasedness, consistency and efficiency of estimators, examples - Finding Estimators: method of moments and
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Probability Theory Refresher: Axiomatic construction of probability spaces, random variables and vectors, probability distributions, functions of random variables; mathematica
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Introduction and Fundamental Concepts - Fluid Statics - Kinematics of Fluid - Conservation Equations in Fluid Flow - Fluid Flow Applications - Incompressible Viscous Flows -
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FUNDAMENTALS OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR:Understanding Organizational Behaviour:Fundamental Concepts - Organizational processes - Organizational structure - Organizational Cha
- Self Paced
International Financial Environment - International Financial Transactions - Gold Standards and Paper Currency Standard - Purchasing Power Parity and Paper Currency Standards
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Initial Value Problems (IVP) and existence theorem. Truncation error, deriving finite difference equations - Single step methods for I order IVP- Taylor series method, Euler m
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Loads on Offshore Structures:Wind Loads; Wave and Current Loads; Calculation based on Maximum base Shear and Overturning Moments; Design Wave heights and Spectral Definition;
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Supply Chain Networks:Introduction to Global Supply Chain Networks - Zara- fast fashion;Introduction to Supply Chain Ecosystem:The Supply Chain Eco-System Framework - Supply C
- Self Paced
Introduction to VLSI Design - Combinational Circuit Design - Programmable Logic Devices - Programmable Array Logic - Review of Flip-Flops - Sequentional Circuits - Sequentiona
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Definition of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning:History of Refrigeration and Air conditioning:History from conceptual point of view:Ice production by nocturnal cooling in anc
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Radiation, colour, eye & vision; different entities of illuminating systems; Light sources: daylight, incandescent, electric discharge, fluorescent, arc lamps and lasers; Lumi
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Illustration of the CFD approach; CFD as an engineering analysis tool - Derivation of flow governing equations - Initial and boundary conditions; wellposedness - Turbulence mo
- Self Paced
Introductory Concepts - Viscosity - Surface Tension and Fluid Statics - Fluid Under Rigid Body Motion - Fluid Kinematics - Dynamics of Inviscid Flows - Integral Forms of Contr
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Introduction - Market Equilibrium: Demand and Supply - Elasticity of Demand - Demand Forecasting - Production - Exercises on Economics - Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships - Cos
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INTRODUCTION: Ground water utilization & historical background, ground water in hydrologic cycle, ground water budget, ground water level fluctuations & environmental influenc
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Basics:Prologue � Introduction to the course - Science, Engineering and Technology of Materials;Microstructure:Atomic Bonding - Structure of Solids - Movement of Atoms - Dev
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Set Theory:Introduction to the theory of sets; combination of sets; power sets; finite and infinite sets; principle of inclusion and exclusion; selected problems from each top
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Thermodynamics and the Chemical Industry - James Prescot Joule and the first law - Sadi Carnot and the second law - Equilibrium and Extrema in work - Illustrative Calculation
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Inertial Frames, Universality of Newton's second law in all inertial frames, Classical Relativity, Does universal rest (ether) exists - Michelson Morley Experiment - Postulate
- Self Paced
Japanese Language has been taught as part of the Foreign Language Programme at IIT Kanpur since July 1995. With increasing technical and economic ties between India and Japan,
- 12 weeks weeks
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Introduction, Amdahl's law, CPI equation - CPI equation, research practices, instruction set architecture - Instruction set architecture, case study with MIPS-I - Case study w
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The course objective is that the student should be able to explain the need of switching networks. He should be able to explain the mechanism of manual telephony, basic compon
- Self Paced
Introduction to the course; Current and Voltage; Kirchhoff's Current and Voltage laws - Electrical circuit elements: Voltage and current sources; R, C, L, M - Elements in se
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Basics of magnetic circuits - Analysis of magnetic circuits with airgap and permanent magnets - Analysis of singly excited electromechanical system with linear magnetics - Non
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- Self Paced
Regular languages:Introduction: Scope of study as limits to compubality and tractability - Why it suffices to consider only decision problems, equivalently, set membership pro
- Self Paced
Introduction and mathematical preliminaries:What is Pattern recognition; Applications and Examples - Clustering vs. Classification; Supervised vs. unsupervised - Relevant basi
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Theory of relativity:Inertial and non inertial frame and fictitious force, Michelson Moreley experiment and postulates of special theory of relativity, Galilean and Lorentz tr
- Self Paced
INTRODUCTION:Definitions - Different forms of Environmental degradation - Cost of Corrosion - Electrochemical Nature - Aims;THERMODYNAMICS:Process at Interface - Free Energy a
- Self Paced
Governing Equations: Continuity, Momentum and Energy Equations and their derivations in different coordinate systems, Boundary layer Approximations to momentum and energy - La
- Self Paced
Mechanics of a system of particles in vector form. Conservation of linear momentum, energy and angular momentum - Degrees of freedom, generalized coordinates and velocities. L
- Self Paced
Introduction - Compressibility of Fluids; Compressible and Incompressible Flows; Perfect Gas Equation of State; Calorically Perfect Gas - One Dimensional Flows � Basics Gove
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Analytic functions of a complex variable:Complex numbers. Equations to curves in the plane in terms of z and z* - The Riemann sphere and stereographic projection. Analytic fu
- Self Paced
Introduction:History: computing, networking, storage - Need for storage networking - SAN, NAS, SAN/NAS Convergence - Distributed Storage Systems - Mainframe/proprietary vs. op
- Self Paced
Introduction to Indian Philosophy:Brief Discussion on Veda and Upanishads - Origin of Indian Philosophy;Charvaka Philosophy:Epistemology - Metaphysics;Samkhya Philosophy:Metap
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The black-box approach. Physical instances and their adaptation in the framework - Formal definition of 'signal' and 'system'. The domain and range variables, continuous and d
- Self Paced
Introduction to digital system - Number Systems - Complement Numbers - Complement Subtraction and codes - Review of First Four Lectures and Introduction to logic Gates - Basic
- Self Paced
Pigeon hole Principle - Elementary Concepts - Elementary concepts and basic counting principles - Elementary concepts; Binomial theorem; Bijective proofs - Properties of binom
- Self Paced
Introductory - Mathematics in the Vedas and Sulva Sutras - Panini - Pingala - Mathematics in the Jaina Texts - Development of Place Value System - Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata - A
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Symmetry and Physical Properties of Crystals Point groups, Bravais lattices, Space groups, Neumann�s Principle and tensor properties of crystalline solids, elements of group
- Self Paced
Theorems of Rouche and Hurwitz:Fundamental Theorems Connected with Zeros of Analytic Functions - The Argument (Counting) Principle, Rouche's Theorem and The Fundamental Theore
- Self Paced
Vectors and Elementary linear algebra - Linear vector space and matrices - Determinants, trace and special matrices - Linear first order differential equations - First and sec
- Self Paced
Structure of present day electronic products - Analog signal conditioning and processing functions in instrumentation and control and communication - One-port networks for ana
- Self Paced
Introduction to CAD tools and Technology and modern network synthesis theory - Ultra Dynamic Voltage Scaling : Error Resiliency, Power dissipation and Reliability - Design of
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Theorems of Picard, Casorati-Weierstrass and Riemann on Removable Singularities:Properties of the Image of an Analytic Function:Introduction to the Picard Theorems,Recalling S
- Self Paced
Introduction:Course mechanics - Goals and VR definitions - Historical perspective - Birds-eye view (general) - Birds-eye view (hardware) - Birds-eye view (software) - Birds-ey
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Introduction to the course: Relevance of advanced characterization to materials development, scientific understanding of phenomena in materials technology - Advanced Diffracti
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CMOS VLSI Design for Power and Speed consideration :Historical Perspective and Future Trends in CMOS VLSI Circuit and System Design - Logical Effort - A way of Designing Fast
- Self Paced
Introduction to Ethical Theories:Consequentialist and Non-consequentialist theories - Hedonism - Utilitarianism - Deontological theories (with reference to Immanuel Kant) - Et
- Self Paced
Introduction Micro to Nano A Journey into Intergrated Circuit Technology - Crystal Properties and Silico Growth - IC Fab Labs and Fabrication of IC - Diffusion - Solid State D
- Self Paced
Probability and statistics: Joint and conditional probabilities and densities. Moments, cumulants, generating functions, characteristic function. Binomial, Poisson, Gaussian d
- Self Paced
Optical waveguide is a physical structure that guides electromagnetic waves and it is the most important component of integrated optical circuits. This course is intended to d
- 23 hrs 40 min
- Self Paced
compiler design video lectures nptel
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